water by applying the seven principles of xeriscaping – an approach to
designing landscapes so that their water requirements correspond to local
climatic conditions. While these are sound principals for any garden, they
are particularly useful if you live in a region with low rainfall or that
experiences water shortages such as the Okanagan.
1. Design for your site and your needs
Sketch your lot including property lines, buildings, driveways and
features that will remain. Add trees, shrub and flower beds, lawn
areas, patios, decks, etc. Consider the specific conditions of your yard,
taking into account that water requirements will differ in shady versus
sunny spots, and slopes versus flat areas or depressions. Moisture
availability for your plants will also differ according to your soil type.
Sandy soils drain water whereas clay soils hold water.
2. Group plants with similar water needs to make watering more
Shrubs and perennials should be grouped together in mulched beds.
Trees should also be clustered in mulched beds rather than isolating
individual specimens in lawn areas. This will help to reduce moisture
loss and competition.
3. Amend the soil
First, find out what type of soil you have and improve its water
retention capabilities accordingly, for example, by adding compost or
other organic materials.
4. Size your lawn area to meet your practical needs for play and
Avoid many small or narrow lawn areas in favour of consolidated lawn,
to make them easier and more efficient to water. For primarily visual
areas, consider water-efficient ground covers, perennials or shrubs. For
foot-traffic routes or narrow spots, such as side yards, a permeable
inert surface such as wood chips or natural stone requires no water.
5. Choose plants that are well suited to your climate and site
Consult your local garden centre to find plant lists. Know your site
including its soil types. In shady areas, use shade-tolerant species or
consider a woodland shade garden. In sunny spots, use drought
tolerant, sun-loving species or consider a wildflower meadow. Drought
tolerant species should be used on rapidly draining slopes (avoid turf
grass), but you can consider moisture-loving plants in depressions or
low spots.
6. Use mulch
7. Use an efficient irrigation system and appropriate maintenance
(Source: cmch.ca)
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